Fake News is Bad News

Should there be any doubt in anyone’s mind, willing to invest the time in simple observation and analysis, to clearly see the political, religious and cultural polarization in America – and by extension the civilized world? What is the reason for this now? Why are...

Election 2016 and Justice

Election 2016 and Justice Many consider election 2016 to be the most amazing time in our history since Watergate. That comparison may be way too temperate. A major political party candidate, known to have disregarded, or violated major both federal law and State...

Venezuela’s Free Fall: Warning for US

By Terry Sanders – Contributor to SCA4Christ Venezuela has made the news again for yet another low in the history of what anyone would classify as a failed state. Government Decree 9855, issued by President Nicolás Maduro under his broad emergency powers, allows...

You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me

“So skilled is error at imitating truth that the two are constantly being mistaken for each other. It takes a sharp eye these days to know which brother is Cain and which Abel.” – A W Tozer Recently, Larycia Hawkins, a professor at Wheaton College was placed on an...

Same-Sex Marriage Mirage

I believe every generation has its defining moments which call for men and women to make great sacrifices in order to beat back the advances of evil. For many years, the church as a whole in America, has enjoyed its prosperity and privilege and has neglected her...